International EMBA in Life Sciences

Key Details


Global Co-ordination


12 Months. Part Time


29th April 2025




34 years old


+ 5 years


> 60 Visiting Lecturers


Life Sciences & Commercialisation


10.900 £

Global Management Overview


Focus in your professional career development and your international expansion

Acquire a deep understanding in the Life Sciences commercial ecosystem for developing innovation and the business interactions between academia, the biotechnology sector, and the pharmaceutical industry from a global perspective to deliver new treatments for patients.

The BBI International EMBA interactive experience, whereby you will learn more about new insights into how science and technology can be applied commercially across a wide range of business contexts and as the main core objective of the course from our educational team. 


Develop your Scientific Career in International Management

The programme is designed for professionals willing to experience a deep immersion into the sector and develop a specialisation to help further their professional development in the pharmaceutical industry and the biotechnology sector. The course is ideal for students looking to expand their contacts into international networks in the Life Sciences industry and keen to develop their career into management positions.

Our programmes are oriented towards developing the careers of committed individuals with a BSc, MSc, PhD or equivalent qualification and a background in Life Sciences. Being passionate about the underpinning science and with a clear motivation towards the commercial biotechnology sector and the pharmaceutical industry is a part to the selection criteria for admission to the degree course.


EMBA Thesis Project in Collaboration with AstraZeneca Cambrige

As part of the Executive MBA experience our candidates will present the thesis project in front of a senior team at AstraZeneca as well as their tutors. As a practical exercise you will receive feedback from professionals involved in transactions and global project management.

Cambridge & London Graduation

As part of the global network development experience, the graduation of the Executive MBA candidates will be linked in with the AngloNordic Life sciences Conference in London. This event is mostly for European investors to meet with R&D companies from the Nordic countries and the UK.  

Programme Syllabus

  • add_circle_outline1st Term. Module I - The Life Sciences Commercial Ecosystem


    • • The objective of this module is to work through the main theories and principles of commercial ecosystem required to develop as a business leader, understanding how the science and technologies can be applied in practice to a range of business contexts

  • add_circle_outline1st Term. Module II - Drug Discovery and Regulatory Development


    • • The goal of any regulatory and scientific frameworks are essential for ensuring compliance with basic standards, but in some instances, the impact of regulatory as well as legal and ethical issues can be significant.

  • add_circle_outline1st Term. Module III - Management in Research & Development


    • • Within this module, students will explore the fields of management and strategy that are required to contribute to an organisation’s performance in the Life Sciences sector.

  • add_circle_outline2nd Term. Module IV - International Business Administration in Life Sciences


    • • The primary objective of this module is to provide a conceptual and analytical framework in the main areas of work and topics related with corporate management, entrepreneurship and innovation, financial valuations in biotech markets.

  • add_circle_outline2nd Term. Module V - Business Development & Portfolio Management


    • • The objective of the module is to understand the process where the industry scouts for new compounds and technologies from biotech companies or other early sources of innovation.

  • add_circle_outline2nd Term. Module VI - Global Project Management


    • • The objective of the module is to acquire a deep understanding in key aspects and processes involving the organisational management, from the industry point of view, of a new drug approval (NDA).

  • add_circle_outline3rd Term. Module VII - Global Marketing & Medical


    • • This work will challenge students to examine marketing problems that have faced brands and pharmaceutical companies to critically analyse their approach and suggest new alternatives.

  • add_circle_outline3rd Term. Module VIII - Market Access & Health Economics


    • • The objective of the module is to acquire a deep understanding in global strategy for innovation drug approvals and the launch sequence towards the best scenario for the patients and healthcare systems.

  • add_circle_outline3rd Term. Module IX - Therapeutic Areas - Unmet Medical Need


    • • The objective of this module is to understand how the diseases of the different therapeutic areas and their prevalence and incidence areas are distributed in the world and more importantly learning from leading expert in what are the latest treatments and therapies in development for them.

  • add_circle_outline3rd Term. Module X - Converting Theory into Practice


    • • Development of the final assignment project is typically though an agreement with an early-stage research project being developed in a partner company or institution, but students are encouraged to some with their own ideas as well.

Learning Support Network

Our eCampus combines the main principal tools to develop the lessons, projects, and to keep contact with the board of professors and the rest of the students live worldwide.

• Personal File Management Tool with colleagues and professors

• Track your progression, Qualifications and check your Personal Reviews.

• InMail - and other Notifications related with the programs

• Connect to your Calendar -Connect with your daily basis and keep track on communications, evaluations, events, seminars

• Library - Access to reports books, presentations and more material to expand your resources

BBI eCampus



Here are some of the most frequent questions from our candidates

  • question_answerAbout the BBI What are the objectives of the BBI's MBA Programmes?

    Our complementary MBA programmes in Biotechnology and in Life Sciences enable scientists to enter this growing industrial sector each year. We help our students develop a clear vision of their career progression into future leadership roles. By using the new skills and practical experiences from our courses, our alumni go on to join the some of the most notable institutions, companies and national healthcare systems with international reputations.

  • question_answerAbout the BBI Where are the BBI Campuses?

    With a presence in two of the main innovation centres in Europe, Barcelona, and Cambridge, and the second largest market in the pharmaceutical industry in Latin America our students can choose which campus will best meet their needs.

    As the International BBI headquarters, the Barcelona Campus is focused on drug discovery, built on a track record since 2013 delivering management programmes for scientists wanting to develop their careers in the global pharma & biotechnology industry.

    The European headquarters, our Cambridge Campus, has a broader remit across the entire Life Science sector. At Cambridge, UK, our students can realise their objective of establishing a global network of contacts in the broader spectrum of commercial opportunities in Life Sciences

    BBI Mexico connects the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry in Latin America with the major innovation hubs in Europe and the United States. It is the educational centre of reference in healthcare contributing to the development of national talent and the growth of national innovation promoting global transactions.

    Know more about our campuses

    BBI Barcelona - BBI Cambridge - BBI Mexico

  • question_answerAbout the BBI What is the BBI Panel of lecturer’s professional experience?

    The BBI Business School has over 140 academics and industry experts, coming from more than 20 countries, who cover the key management topics in the Life Sciences industry: corporate finance; market access and healthcare economics, preclinical and clinical regulatory requirements, medical technologies, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, organisational behaviour and an understanding of the global strategy for new drug approvals.

  • question_answerAbout the BBI What is different about the BBI Business School?

    The Biotechnology Business Institute (BBI) is an international business school focused on training a new generation of scientific managers and executives to prepare for their future careers. The BBI facilitates early-stage business development activities in partnership with the many stakeholders in the biotechnology sector and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. A core focus is on new drug development to treat unmet medical need but also with broadening interests across the Life Sciences sector.

    The Biotechnology Business Institute was founded to develop the next generation of talent in the international Life Sciences sector for scientists seeking to advance their careers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. We are committed to becoming a leading international academic institution in the management of Life Sciences, through enabling the career development of a new wave of global business leaders driving disruptive change throughout the ecosystem.

  • question_answerThe BBI Experience What is the practical patent study case method?

    Thanks to our unique educational agreement with three of the main research centres in Barcelona our model, based on a practical patent filings, that allows our students to have an intensive full-time experience to achieve a global understanding of commercial decision-making processes.

    Discussions with principal researchers and innovation managers who are planning on developing new drugs make this experience very interactive and with the academic co-ordination and the board of lectures further discussion are continued during the practical classes. The case study case is a real example, reflecting today’s global business ecosystem in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry.

  • question_answerThe BBI Experience What is a typical day for a BBI student like?

    Every day is different throughout the year. During the first stage, when students take their common modules, apart from the evening classes from Monday to Thursday, the students also develop their career impact programmes. These programmes have their project meetings at various research centres and participate in extra-curriculum activities.

    For the final semester in Barcelona, each student develops their own academic internship programme depending on their chosen career itinerary chosen. All programmes have the same number of assignments and group work to complete. Typically, the second semester is focused increasing the time spent on students’ career-related activities.

  • question_answerBBI Community What is the BBI network?

    The BBI network is formed by our alumni, the academic staff, lecturers, partner companies and the technology transfer offices who collaborate with us. Over the years, we have developed a community over 700 people globally in direct contact every year. 

    For more information, visit our BBI community Report

  • question_answerThe Lectures What is the average age of the class?

    BBI MBA students have an average age of 24, although a few students may be slightly older. In some cases, other BBI programmes such our Executive Education courses are recommended as they may be a better fit for some specific professional goals. However, there is no upper age limit and all ages are encouraged to apply.

  • question_answerLanguage Policy Is it speaking Spanish necessary?

    No. English is the language of instruction on both campuses.

  • question_answerLanguage Policy Which is the English level required for the programmes?

    To benefit most of the educational experience a proficient level of English is required for the programmes. An appropriate level of ability is required to communicate effectively in complex work-related situations.  For example, conveying messages correctly during long business discussions is required. A basic level of informal conversational English would not be sufficient for applicants but further language development training can be recommended before the course starts.

  • question_answerFull Time MBA Is it suitable for me to do the MBA after my PhD?

    Yes, studying for an International MBA is a key step forwards in your more commercial career progression in industry after your PhD. The transition from the research laboratory into new management positions requires an understanding of many additional business aspects for the effective commercialisation of scientific research. For example, developing new products and treatments requires an in-depth understanding of how the pharmaceutical industry, as well as biotechnology, medial devices and digital health companies, operate commercially.

  • question_answerFull Time MBA What are the benefits of the one-year format?

    The BBI MBA syllabus or curriculum is prepared to deliver a one-year more intensive approach to a professional development in international business administration specifically relevant for the biotechnology sector and the pharmaceutical industry. The return on your investment after completing the MBA is relatively rapid due to our career impact programme and the development of your personal skills to manage your time and make decisions more efficiently.

    Applying to this MBA programme will challenge your leadership business skills and develop them to the highest level in a specific sector. Unlike other MBAs, we focus only on one industrial sector and do not dilute your time by teaching on other less relevant sectors to you career.

  • question_answerFull Time MBA How does BBI’s full-time MBA in Biotechnology differ from the Executive Programmes?

    The BBI students during the MBA programme reside full-time in Barcelona, attending classes Monday through Thursday, and a different variety of networking activities and conferences take place during the year.

    MBA students tend to be at an earlier stage in their careers and have less professional experience than participants in the Executive Programmes. The majority of participants in the Executive Programmes are already working industry and continue to work while they carry out the programme in parallel.

  • question_answerFull Time MBA What are the major areas of focus in BBI’s MBA programme?

    The MBA has a general management focus with the objective of preparing leaders to take on global roles in organisations or start their own companies a near future. In addition, students can concentrate on a particular area by taking different itineraries, which are offered during the second semester.

  • question_answerAdmissions Requirements I don't have a business background. Will this impact my chances for admission?

    We understand the initial step that scientists need to make to develop their future professional development in business, it will not impact your chances of acceptance if you do not have experience in- company as yet. At the BBI we value students driven by their commercial objectives and with a clear mindset in terms of personal and future professional development.

    We welcome all applications and we receive many different types of applications. We expect the same from all candidates, which is a strong willingness to develop their management skills towards making a difference the global industry and to demonstrate their leadership potential. Business acumen can be developed but the motivation needs to come from the student.

  • question_answerAdmissions Process What is the typical BBI student profile?

    We cannot define a typical profile of a student at the BBI.  We have a very diverse set of students every year in terms of age, professional experience, education and culture. Review the latest alumni report for further information.

  • question_answerMBA in Biotechnology Which career path itinerary should I choose for my MBA?

    The different career “itineraries” will take you through the relevant specialisations in the global industry to develop your future career. The main aspect of this process is to help you decide how this could help develop your future career path.


    The BBI has an international assessment programme for the students to help them understand how to development their career paths into suitable companies. Contact us at

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The Worldwide Business School for Life Sciences

Barcelona Campus

Barcelona Scientific Park
Baldiri Reixac St., 4-8, 08028, Barcelona

Entity Associated to 

Cambridge Campus

The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge Science Park
184, Milton Road, CB4 0GA, Cambridge

Entity based at 


Mexico Campus

World Trade Center CDMX, Montecito 38,
Col. Nápoles, 03810, Mexico City

Entity based at 

In educational collaboration agreement for the development of the Global MBAs

Biotechnology Business Institute ©2025 All Rights Reserved | Wolke SAS